
Walmart sales prediction with Linear Regression and Random Forests + Bayesian Structure Learning


The dataset is taken from Kaggle, and consists of 421,570 records:

  1. features:
Store Date Temperature Fuel_Price MarkDown1 MarkDown2 MarkDown3 MarkDown4 MarkDown5 CPI Unemployment IsHoliday
1 05/02/2010 42.31 2.572 NA NA NA NA NA 211.0963582 8.106 FALSE
1 12/02/2010 38.51 2.548 NA NA NA NA NA 211.2421698 8.106 TRUE
1 19/02/2010 39.93 2.514 NA NA NA NA NA 211.2891429 8.106 FALSE
1 26/02/2010 46.63 2.56 NA NA NA NA NA 211.3196429 8.106 FALSE
1 05/03/2010 46.5 2.625 NA NA NA NA NA 211.3501429 8.106 FALSE
  1. sales:
Store Dept Date Weekly_Sales IsHoliday
1 1 05/02/2010 24924.5 0
1 1 12/02/2010 46039.49 1
1 1 19/02/2010 41595.55 0
1 1 26/02/2010 19403.54 0
1 1 05/03/2010 21827.9 0
  1. stores:
Store Type Size
1 A 151315
2 A 202307
3 B 37392
4 A 205863
5 B 34875


1. Linear Regression

A first intuition is that a simple, easily interpretable model like LR is a good starting point for analysis. Also, this would provide a basis for future model comparisons.

2. Random Forests

Random forests (RFs) are primarily used for classification, however they can also be used for regression (Breiman, 2001). RFs are ensembles of decision trees (DTs), whose inputs are bootstraps of the training samples. The final RF prediction is the average of all of these DTs’ predictions for a given test sample (bootstrap aggregation). Since each DT has a different bootstrap set, the variance is reduced without affecting the bias. By using this form of aggregation, RFs generally have high accuracy (less overfitting, more robust to noise), but are less interpretable than single DTs (Zhao and Zhang, 2008).

RFs are extremely flexible and obtain very high accuracies (Pavlov, 2000) while still being prone to overfitting. Furthermore, they have embedded feature selection (Saeys, Abeel and Van de Peer, 2008), hence they can be used for strategizing feature selection. Also, they provide good estimates of the test error without repeated model training associated with cross-validation which is costly.

Backward Feature Elimination

The feature importances calculated in the previous section (RFs) are used to eliminate features one-by-one using backward feature selection.

Comparison of the Models

Model Accuracy Pros Cons
Linear Regression 11.56% +simple and interpretable +trained fast -inadequate for categorical features -very low prediction accuracy -extrapolating beyond the range of data is unreliable
Random Forests 97.07% +high prediction accuracy +embedded feature selection +consistent with both categorical and continuous features -less interpretable -longer training time

Bayesian Network Structure Learning

To explore the Bayesian Structure of the dataset, it needs to be categorized in order to reduce the dimensional complexity. Bayesys is used for learning the Bayesian structure of the dataset. The input and output files are availible via Bayesian Learning.
