Forex Web Application
This is a cloud-based RESTful API that has some useful functionalities for forex trading including:
- Forex
- Get live forex data for any forex currency pair
- Get historical forex data for any day, dating back to 5 years ago
- Crypto
- Get live USD-based crytocurrency data
- Get predictions for crytocurrencies
- Journal
- Keep track of your trades by entering them here
- Calculate profits from each trade
- Delete or update journal entries
- dynamic REST API
- use of an external API
- cassandra database
- load balancing implementation
- hash-based authentication (API key and password hash)
- implementation of user accounts
1. Deployment
This app is deployed using AWS. Since there isn’t a lot of computationally heavy tasks involved, a t2.medium instance would do just fine.
Here, Docker is used to build an image ot the app and containerize it.
- In the terminal, navigate to the folder where you have the app files and build the app image:
$ sudo docker build . --tag=forex_app_image:v1
- If everything goes well, now you can deploy the app:
$ sudo docker run -p 80:80 forex_app_image:v1
In this app, Cassandra is used to handle the database. Inside the AWS instance, run a Cassandra container. According to the docs, cassandra uses port 9042 for native protocol clients.
- In the terminal, navigate to the folder where you have the app files and run a cassandra container:
$ sudo docker run --name cassandra-container -p 9042:9042 -d cassandra
- To be able to run commands inside the cassandra container:
$ sudo docker exec -it cassandra-container cqlsh
- Now using cqlsh create a designated keyspace and then the database:
cqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE journal WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1};
cqlsh> CREATE TABLE journal.users (name text, email text, password text, apikey text, PRIMARY KEY (email, apikey));
cqlsh> CREATE TABLE journal.entry_records (apikey text, api__id text, id text, pair text, type text, volume text, start_time text, close_time text, start_price text, close_price text, profit text, PRIMARY KEY (apikey, api__id, id));
- Install Kubernetes by issuing:
$ sudo snap install microk8s --classic
If the installation was successful, you’ll get:
microk8s v1.18.1 from Canonical✓ installed
- Create the pod:
$ sudo microk8s.kubectl run forex-deployment --image=forex_app_image:v1 --port=80
If all goes well, you’ll see:
pod/forex-deployment created
- To see the pods created:
$ sudo microk8s.kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE forex-deployment 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 0 92s
2. How to use
Since the DELETE and PUT methods aren’t supported in html, you can use your terminal to execute the following commands:
- delete entry:
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE -d '{"apikey":"****","id":"****"}' http://ec2-***-**-***-***
- update entry:
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"apikey":"****","id":"****","pair":"****","type":"****","volume":"****","open_time":"****","close_time":"****","open_price":"****","close_price":"****"}' http://ec2-***-**-***-***
Using the website is pretty simple and clear: